kym | Monday, October 8, 2007 |
this is a test but a murray smoosh is always fun to watch

kym | Saturday, October 6, 2007 |
welcome to the earthdog blog, which could also be called living with a pack of dogs. i'm kym colella and together with my husband , dave, and our 14 dogs we're earthdog(a hemp dog product manufacturing company). dave & i do all the actual work and the dogs provide us with inspiration, photos and the use of their names. i've started this blog to share pictures, videos, stories and products that i hope you will enjoy. an enormous amount of joy is produced when you share your life with a dog and...

kym | Friday, October 5, 2007 |
this really should be an "about us" blog post. i'm kym colella and the “us” is my husband dave and our 16 dogs. together we are all equal partners in earthdog (a hemp dog product manufacturing company). i say equal partners because dave & i do all the actual work and the dogs provide us with inspiration, photos and the use of their names. many people ask, and i'm sure still more wonder, "what could possibly have gone on in your life to have ended up with 16 dogs?" i imagine if you've read this...