kym | Thursday, September 6, 2012 |
it seems the odin effect has yet to take hold of carly...although he's got the whole family smitten. in the midst of baking 300 mini-cupcakes for the benefit we're hosting tomorrow night...did i mention we're hosting a benefit tomorrow night? if you missed that please check out the website and consider joining us if you're local - it's all to benefit spay & neuter in middle tennessee and it should be a blast!
but i digress...so carly...carly, carly, carly! like i said, in...

kym | Wednesday, September 5, 2012 |
we’re hosting a benefit for the pet community center here friday night so things have been a little bit hectic the last few weeks. this is my formal excuse for waiting so long to announce some exciting news. before i get into that if you’re local to nashville please join us friday for rock n’ roll for pup control…all signs are pointing to this being an awesome evening. dave will be playing drums all night with an amazing line-up of musicians and...

kym | Wednesday, August 22, 2012 |
fletcher tangoed with the wrong skunk last night. fortunately for us he received more of a glancing blow than a direct hit. it happened late enough that neither one of us had the energy to deal with it at that moment so dave tried to make him sleep outside. with a slight amount of whining i bought fletch a night in the bedroom (i should mention i pretty much lack the sense of smell) which only lasted until about 4 am when dave could take no more and forced him outside....

kym | Wednesday, July 18, 2012 |
back in october (i’ve never claimed to be timely) we had the pleasure of being photographed by adrian hitt, an accomplished nashville pet photographer. i should start by mentioning that i absolutely hate having my picture taken - the hatred is alleviated only mildly when there’s a dog with me in the photograph. i’m finding i’m having to get used to it more and more as dave’s interest in photography increases but the idea of a “photography...

kym | Thursday, July 12, 2012 |
a few weeks ago we had a visit from family, including our niece and nephew, jazlynn & tyler, 5-year-old twins who are full to the brim with awesome sauce. we had many activities planned but there was also a hurdle we were hoping to clear. ty has been scared of dogs since infancy – he’s fine with all other animals, loves them in fact, but dogs are a no go for him. can you imagine he scored us as an aunt and uncle??? what are the chances…an aunt and...

kym | Monday, May 14, 2012 |
i love this time of the year – the weather is perfect and we can all be outside together working on projects with the added benefit of worn out dogs when all is said and done. there are some disadvantages to trying to get work done with 16 dogs, the main one being the energy expended trying to keep said dogs that i love to have around from destroying whatever it is we’re trying to accomplish. they all have very specific behaviors when work is being done: reilley, dooley,...

kym | Tuesday, May 1, 2012 |
(this is a sponsored review for mr. chewy)
the good folks at mr. chewy were kind enough to send me a gift certificate to partake of their services. if you’re not familiar mr. chewy is a great convenience website – they deliver pet food and treats right to your door. they carry many great quality brands, from taste of the wild to natural balance to orijen. my review is of the website itself, not of the products they carry.
the website is well organized, easy...

kym | Sunday, March 4, 2012 |
zig’s been with us about a month now and i can’t believe how much i adore the little monkey. he is quickly becoming universally adored by everyone in the family, barring a few hanger-oners to aloofness. he even turned benny, who seemingly thought he should remain the baby of the family and no one should come in after him but he’s begrudgingly accepted zig. he’s still doing horribly with housetraining (he’ll get there) and is very timid with new people and things but he’s coming along by leaps...