kym | Tuesday, February 28, 2017 |
besides the fact that we deal with loss too often and it's a lot of responsibility?

kym | Sunday, March 4, 2012 |
zig’s been with us about a month now and i can’t believe how much i adore the little monkey. he is quickly becoming universally adored by everyone in the family, barring a few hanger-oners to aloofness. he even turned benny, who seemingly thought he should remain the baby of the family and no one should come in after him but he’s begrudgingly accepted zig. he’s still doing horribly with housetraining (he’ll get there) and is very timid with new people and things but he’s coming along by leaps...

kym | Saturday, February 11, 2012 |
i'm contractually obligated by carly to let you know when she does something good - today she once again proved herself to be the most welcoming colella...