kym | Thursday, April 9, 2009 |
below is a video of one of murray’s chiropractic appointments with the great dr. triplett in nashville. it’s 7 minutes of a vet appointment so it might not be the most engaging video but i thought it would be interesting for people to see if they didn’t know what chiropractic on dogs looks like. if you can’t hang out for the full 7 minutes i strongly urge you to make it (or fast forward) to 2:39 where murray’s face first appears – i defy you not to smile at...

kym | Monday, February 9, 2009 |
for the last 8 months i’ve been taking murray for chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture and it has given him a quality of life that wasn’t predicted upon his original diagnosis. if you told me a year ago that murray would be receiving such care i would have guffawed right in your face. we’ve had murray since he was 4 weeks old and not once have we been able to take him to the vet without first slipping him a mickey. the sedation is not necessary to stop murray from being...

kym | Tuesday, June 3, 2008 |

last week we took murray to the vet for what we thought was a problem with his hips. x-rays quickly revealed that his hips are perfect but his back is a mess.