kym | Monday, October 24, 2016 |
this is all at once not something i thought i would have to write now, not something i want to write at all and something i have not at all processed...

kym | Friday, September 2, 2016 |
even a vet visit can't put a damper on maeby's sheer enjoyment of a car ride...

kym | Thursday, September 1, 2016 |
i’m coming off a blog hiatus to share a really important video…a video that has the potential to open people’s minds and hearts. snooty giggles is the official adopter of the colella family and we couldn’t be more thankful for the amazing beings they've added to our life. shining a light on special needs animals shines a light on all beings that are “different” and that can only lead to more compassion all around. please take a moment to read the backstory on the video and then view it. because...

kym | Thursday, August 21, 2014 |
a few weeks ago we decided to foster another dog for snooty giggles, asprey beach. she’s a 7-year-old french bulldog who had recently been through some traumatic changes and she pulled quite hard at my heart strings. in probably the span of a month or so she was hit by a car and had a leg amputated, her owner died and then the family or friends dropped her rather unceremoniously at a shelter in kentucky. fortunately snooty giggles came to her rescue and started her on her new life. we were...