i’m coming off a blog hiatus to share a really important video…a video that has the potential to open people’s minds and hearts. snooty giggles is the official adopter of the colella family and we couldn’t be more thankful for the amazing beings they've added to our life. shining a light on special needs animals shines a light on all beings that are “different” and that can only lead to more compassion all around. please take a moment to read the backstory on the video and then view it.
because of snooty giggle’s commitment to special needs animals we are fortunate to share our life with zig, odin, estelle, mabel and pow wow. because no ailment is too daunting and no vet bill is too large to snooty giggles we get the joy of these beings in our life. because snooty giggles turns their back on no one and believes everyone deserves love, even if in their last moments, we get to reap that love on a daily basis. imagine if everyone was not afraid to love something special how different our lives would look.

(clockwise from left: odin, pow wow, mabel, zig and estelle)