kym | Friday, February 20, 2015 |
last friday we helped wilson pass out of this life. it was time and we were at peace with the decision knowing that it was the best thing for him. somehow i convinced myself that all those things would make it easier. somehow i convinced myself that it wasn’t tragic so i would miss him but i would be okay – i would survive. somehow i convinced myself that i’m like a professional at dog loss at this point and i would be okay. even though i’m a person who gets sad when i reach a book’s end...

kym | Thursday, July 24, 2014 |
about 6-8 weeks ago wilson seemed to plunge into complete confusion and old age overnight. he was no longer able to get around the house on his own, when we called to him he clearly heard it but always moved in the opposite direction and he kept circling and running into walls. because of his total blindness running into things and not always knowing where he is can be commonplace but this was extreme and very sudden. wil spent many years on prednisone due to his immune mediated disease so my...

kym | Friday, January 10, 2014 |
it probably won’t come as a surprise that i was not a fan of 2013 - we lost too many family members and things were overall too hard to feel bad about it’s passing. because i consider myself a positive person and would like to be bigger than 2013 would have me be i will say that i am grateful for the additions of estelle, merle and ronan to our family; for the ability to stay in the house that we love and that all of us are currently healthy. i’m feeling much more enthusiastic about 2014 and if...

kym | Monday, May 6, 2013 |
wilson woke up from a sound sleep on my lap when a late night howl session broke out. he was unable to put forth a full effort...

kym | Saturday, October 17, 2009 |
this is how wilson and astrid spend a good bit of their time. if this video were in smellovision you would be stopping it immediately and waving your hand in front of your nose.

kym | Thursday, November 20, 2008 |
for the last two years we've been in a battle with wilson's immune mediated disease and the last year has been spent in a desperate effort to retain as much of wil's eyesight as we possibly could once his disease manifested in optic neuritis. we apparently lost the battle this week as wilson's world has gone black - we've got him on a huge dose of prednisone as a last ditch effort to get back the little sight he had but at this moment it's not looking good. wilson has the spirit of a dog...

kym | Thursday, May 8, 2008 |

a few years ago a friend who loves wilson bought him a tan trench coat

kym | Saturday, April 19, 2008 |
thanks mom – wilson loves his new sweater. take heed people, if your mother takes up knitting she’ll eventually get to your dogs.