kym | Monday, November 14, 2016 |
this brings me to a point on dogs, at least in our house, and no matter how many dogs we bring into our family it always holds up...

kym | Friday, August 30, 2013 |
yesterday we said goodbye to reilley, my best friend (in the
dog world that is – don’t worry i have human friends as well) of 8 years. i am sad, i am lonely, and i’m not
quite sure who i am without him by my side but…b.u.t. i’m also grateful,
honored and humbled to have had such a faithful and loving companion to
navigate the last 8 years with.
our time here together is over but he will remain a piece of me for the
rest of my life. sadly i don’t
think i have it in me to write...

kym | Thursday, February 16, 2012 |
reilley was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and arthritis several months ago. it’s pretty severe so, along with regular acupuncture and chiropractic treatments, a few weeks ago we instituted daily “family” walks to try to aid him in building some muscle. i should have put quotes around walks as well since reilley and i are the only ones actually walking – the rest of the hooligans spend their time running amok. because of the mixture of rogue, fast-moving...

kym | Tuesday, April 13, 2010 |
reilley loves to ride in my car and i've been promising him for weeks i'd take him for a ride. unfortunately i didn't have the foresight to take him somewhere before last week when he had a vet appointment and when the time came for us to leave he was beside himself with joy...until we arrived at the vet. to add insult to injury, because we very rarely go to the vet with just one dog, he had to share his car ride with jewel which really cramped his style. today when lunchtime came around and...

kym | Tuesday, May 19, 2009 |
carly has a new habit which is really putting a crimp in reilley’s red ball chasing as well as resulting in repercussions to my tuckus. carly has always played defense when reilley is chasing balls but she has significantly upped the ante recently in which she now nips at him and goes for his ankles. the other day reilley had had enough and turned around to wallop carly at the exact moment i was trying to curtail her and he ended up making contact with my butt. i didn’t really feel...

kym | Thursday, July 31, 2008 |
because reilley is kitchen counter height he has the opportunity to take whatever he wants, fortunately he rarely exploits this gift. about 98.7% of the time he is very respectful of food on the counter - the only caveat being when there is watermelon in his presence. he doesn’t try to steal the watermelon (that might anger me) – he just rests his head hoping that i’ll be moved enough by his display of restraint and desire to reward him with said watermelon. let it be said that i love...

kym | Tuesday, February 19, 2008 |
reilley & i having some quality time together on sunday (which was much needed after spending an entire day without me - see below)

kym | Sunday, November 4, 2007 |
this is reilley & i chillin' on a saturday morning - he fancies himself my lap dog. if he gets the position right this is usually fine but if he gets it wrong, t's quite possible death is imminent once the extreme pressure his enormous body puts on my system is relieved.
this is reilley’s second post on the blog in a very short amount of time. since he’s rarely away from my side, i think this will be about par for the course. i actually welcome reilley’s abundant...