kym | Wednesday, December 21, 2016 |
when we first brought juice home he only weighed a few pounds so the safest “housing” for him was a pack n’ play...

kym | Monday, November 14, 2016 |
this brings me to a point on dogs, at least in our house, and no matter how many dogs we bring into our family it always holds up...

kym | Wednesday, September 26, 2012 |
last week we added another chapter to the dooley saga and i’m very hopeful we’re currently smack dab in the middle of the conclusion. last wednesday things weren’t right and after rushing him to our vet we found that his stomach was packed full of food. he had a rare complication called gastric apnea and after another nail-biting surgery where we weren’t sure the surgeon would find a viable stomach and we might lose him we were fortunate that no resection was...

kym | Wednesday, August 22, 2012 |
fletcher tangoed with the wrong skunk last night. fortunately for us he received more of a glancing blow than a direct hit. it happened late enough that neither one of us had the energy to deal with it at that moment so dave tried to make him sleep outside. with a slight amount of whining i bought fletch a night in the bedroom (i should mention i pretty much lack the sense of smell) which only lasted until about 4 am when dave could take no more and forced him outside....

kym | Sunday, October 9, 2011 |
it's been so beautiful here in nashville the past few weeks. i love this time of year when we can leave all the doors of the house open and enjoy the outside. the dogs have been partaking in the enjoyment aplenty. here's watson and carly trying to get the best of fletcher but as he proves you can't take a good guy down. you also get a small taste of jewel doing what jewel does best - she likes to bark a good bit of her day away (not so surprising she was returned to the shelter twice before we...

kym | Thursday, November 5, 2009 |

kym | Wednesday, March 26, 2008 |
– maybe fletch has found the equivalent of botox for the stuffed animal kingdom.

kym | Thursday, February 28, 2008 |
aaahh spring...it’s at this time of year (in nashville anyway) that we can begin to get excited about brown turning to green, cold turning to warm, and grey skies turning blue. dave & i like to end our workdays with ball throwing and romps in the yard with the dogs (well, we throw the ball and the dogs do most of the romping). despite the fact that they’ve reached their 2 year mark, we still refer to fletcher & watson as “the puppies” because of their penchant to play like brothers, fight like...