kym | Thursday, January 19, 2012 |
this video cracks me up for two reasons: (1) watson & jewel are the two slowest moving dogs we have and when they play it looks like it's in slow motion (it can actually be sleep inducing) and (2) because everyone else was outside it seems like jewel decided to use this alone time with watson to work on some new moves, although she remains true to the good ole "grab a back leg" move.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4ueRalQe-Y&w=460&h=315]

kym | Sunday, October 9, 2011 |
it's been so beautiful here in nashville the past few weeks. i love this time of year when we can leave all the doors of the house open and enjoy the outside. the dogs have been partaking in the enjoyment aplenty. here's watson and carly trying to get the best of fletcher but as he proves you can't take a good guy down. you also get a small taste of jewel doing what jewel does best - she likes to bark a good bit of her day away (not so surprising she was returned to the shelter twice before we...

kym | Thursday, March 17, 2011 |
at first glance having a garden seems like a no-brainer for us and seems to jive quite well with our lifestyle. we try our best at being environmentally friendly and the thought of living off the land is quite an attractive idea. we started a small garden two years ago and dear gravy was i overwhelmed even though (if i’m being honest) i should note that dave was doing most (insert “all” here) of the work…it was apparently more the idea of the responsibility than the actual...

kym | Tuesday, March 25, 2008 |

we’re pretty sure jewel is bucking for a promotion…she's been bullying everyone incessantly. she’s definitely taking the belittle your opponent approach rather than the kill them with kindness one. i’m not sure i want to live with a pack that jewel is the head of –

kym | Wednesday, December 12, 2007 |
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="120.0"] 1618709-1209527-thumbnail.jpg[/caption] this once waif-like prima donna has turned into a portly, pugilistic lunatic. in the days when we used to exhibit at tradeshows jewel was our booth dog – everyone loved her and thought she was beautiful, which she was. not that her looks have gone anywhere…they are just now buried beneath dirt and insanity. i don’t think we could take her to a tradeshow now – she would definitely embarrass us. she used to...