kym | Thursday, July 12, 2012 |
a few weeks ago we had a visit from family, including our niece and nephew, jazlynn & tyler, 5-year-old twins who are full to the brim with awesome sauce. we had many activities planned but there was also a hurdle we were hoping to clear. ty has been scared of dogs since infancy – he’s fine with all other animals, loves them in fact, but dogs are a no go for him. can you imagine he scored us as an aunt and uncle??? what are the chances…an aunt and...

kym | Thursday, March 18, 2010 |
my parents came over for dinner the other night (for a delicious vegan meal) and flanagan really enjoyed their company. this probably shouldn’t be acceptable behavior at the dinner table but we tend to allow flanagan to get away with things he really shouldn’t. really the one in this picture in need of discipline is my mother for petting him at the table…sheesh. ...

kym | Saturday, February 6, 2010 |
fortunately for me nature provided some inspiration with which to ease back into blogging. last weekend we had the largest snowstorm we've seen in nashville in the 15 years we've been here. it was a fantastic weekend of being snowed in together and that along with the beautiful white blanket over everything (along with the silence) did my heart good. here are a few snippets for your enjoyment: indi relished being covered in snow we got a good bit of snow but the tail end was sleet so we ended...

kym | Friday, April 18, 2008 |
wed night dave & i had dinner at a vegan restaurant in atlanta, café sunflower, as part of our tour of decadency. when we go out to eat in nashville i’m usually resigned to a salad and the vegetable of the day or maybe one item on the menu. whenever we get the chance to go to a vegan restaurant it’s such an exciting prospect that my giddiness takes over. i’m handed a menu and i can order anything on it that i want, it’s all legal – even desserts. those moments of sheer joy make being a vegan...

kym | Wednesday, April 16, 2008 |

for about 5 years we had an awesome pet sitter, amanda, who in an unprecedented, very selfish turn decided to move to kentucky last year with her husband…whatever.