shortly after we began fostering for the nashville humane society murray came into our house as a foster with his brother, van. he was a bottle feeder as someone had dropped he and his siblings off on the back stoop of the humane society one night when they were about 3-4 weeks old. i think i knew right when we picked them up that i was in trouble – i fell in love with murray at first sight. when it was getting close to the time to return them to the humane society for adoption i wasn’t sure i was going to be able to do it – it seemed as if this little creature was created to the exact specifications of my ideal dog – he made my heart hurt from the get go. christmas actually fell shortly before the boys were due to be returned and inside one of my boxes from dave was one of the greatest gifts i’ll ever receive – it was a very simple post-it note that said murray was mine and the rest is history. i’m proud to say that over all our years of fostering over a hundred dogs murray is the only one i was unable to part with (my mental fortitude is unparalleled). here’s a vintage shot of murray and the note that i’ve saved for 12 years.