kym | Monday, March 11, 2013 |
my apologies for being mia of late. the truth is that life with a pack of dogs can sometimes be messy and heartbreaking and these past 5 months have been jam packed with pain. i should note that dave is much better at updating the earthdog facebook page so to keep up with timely news and his photos head on over and "like" us.
i don’t want to belabor the ugliness of the recent past but i do want to let you know that we lost dooley early in february after a prolonged,...

kym | Friday, November 16, 2012 |
i knew it was going to take a special situation to ever pull me out of foster retirement. about 13 years ago dave & i had 2 fosters (along with our 11 dogs) when our foster/adoption network completely crumbled. long story short after some time it became clear tate & frankie were going to be staying with us for the long haul. for several reasons they were unable to be integrated into our pack so they’ve been kept separate all this time. dave has taken...

kym | Friday, November 9, 2012 |
the universe seems to know things. these pictures were taken the day before zander's extremely unexpected loss... in hindsight i'm really happy i shared that time with him.

kym | Thursday, November 1, 2012 |
it's time for the annual earthdog treat (see 2009 here, 2010 here, and 2011 here): row 1 (l to r): simon, jewel, phineus, wilson
row 2 (l to r): indi, fletcher, watson, reilley
row 3 (l to r): speck, flanagan, carly, dooley
row 4 (l to r): benny, slater, zig, odin
we hope you all had an enjoyable halloween!...

kym | Wednesday, October 17, 2012 |
yesterday started out as a perfectly normal day and quickly became a heartbreaking mess. if you’re a fan on our facebook page then you may already know we lost zander. we probably should have realized we were on borrowed time with him since his seizures started, they were so aggressive and we were having a hard time controlling them with phenobarbital, but we remained hopeful. even as i say that i know full well that even if we were clear we were on borrowed time it wouldn’t have made a...

kym | Wednesday, September 26, 2012 |
last week we added another chapter to the dooley saga and i’m very hopeful we’re currently smack dab in the middle of the conclusion. last wednesday things weren’t right and after rushing him to our vet we found that his stomach was packed full of food. he had a rare complication called gastric apnea and after another nail-biting surgery where we weren’t sure the surgeon would find a viable stomach and we might lose him we were fortunate that no resection was...

kym | Wednesday, September 12, 2012 |
we're so happy to have dooley home safe and sound with us. he’s not completely out of the woods yet as his bloodwork was still not where it should be as of yesterday. dr. au felt comfortable enough to let him go home so that’s a good sign to me. he’s much less swollen today, is finally eating and seems generally to be feeling better so we’re cautiously optimistic. he won’t be totally out of the woods until the 5 days past surgery mark and...

kym | Tuesday, September 11, 2012 |
2:30 pm reilley has a seizure (stinks but we can bounce back just a little beaten)
7:30 pm we rush dooley to the emergency vet with bloat
12:30 am we return home emotionally and physically exhausted, more beaten
3:00 am zander has a seizure (we’ve been pushed over the edge…we’ve fallen and cannot get up)