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july contest

by | Saturday, July 11, 2009 |

you probably thought we forgot about the july contest but here it is - we apologize for our tardiness!  we decided we need some laughs this month and you're responsible for providing them.  entering is easy: just send us an email with your submission, your collar details (size, style/color, type) and your name and address (have no fear this information will not be disseminated in any way) by july 25.and now without further ado, the july contest is:your best captioned photographsend...

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happy birthday david!

by | Thursday, June 25, 2009 |

let's all please wish dave a happy birthday - you'll have to speak up, though, cause he's old!  i took this picture of dave & carly a few months ago and it was quite a feat for dave to hold this gangly, 100-lb beast!  happy birthday david.  i think debby boone said it best when she said "you light up my life"...

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open sesame

by | Friday, June 19, 2009 |

once the temperature rises every day is like waiting for the doors to open on black friday [youtube] i know posting has been sporadic at best of late but life has gotten in the way a bit.  we've had contractors in our house for the last 6 weeks and contractors and 16 dogs are not a good mix.  we're starting to get back to normal so regular posting will resume shortly.  

june contest

by | Thursday, June 4, 2009 |

this month's contest is for all the people who complained that the winter scene contest wasn't fair to you warm weather dwellers.  entering is easy: just send us an email with your submission, your collar details (size, style/color, type) and your name and address (have no fear this information will not be disseminated in any way) by june 15. and now without further ado, the june contest is: your best summer water scene photograph send your photo to and include...

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Things I Love: KitchenAid Stand Mixer

by | Friday, May 29, 2009 |

kitchenaid stand mixer i do a lot of vegan baking and i have been lusting over this thing for years but could never justify spending that amount of money on a mixer. my old mixer was quite poorly designed – the motor turned an empty bowl fine but if i actually put any ingredients in the bowl i then had to physically turn the bowl to get it to move. i think dave got tired of my bitching because under our christmas tree this year was a beautiful new mixer for moi. the older saleswoman tried to...

a murman retrospective

by | Friday, May 22, 2009 |

shortly after we began fostering for the nashville humane society murray came into our house as a foster with his brother, van. he was a bottle feeder as someone had dropped he and his siblings off on the back stoop of the humane society one night when they were about 3-4 weeks old. i think i knew right when we picked them up that i was in trouble – i fell in love with murray at first sight. when it was getting close to the time to return them to the humane society for adoption i...

how my iphone saved my iass

by | Tuesday, May 19, 2009 |

carly has a new habit which is really putting a crimp in reilley’s red ball chasing as well as resulting in repercussions to my tuckus. carly has always played defense when reilley is chasing balls but she has significantly upped the ante recently in which she now nips at him and goes for his ankles. the other day reilley had had enough and turned around to wallop carly at the exact moment i was trying to curtail her and he ended up making contact with my butt. i didn’t really feel...

Things I Love: Pee Wee Herman

by | Friday, May 8, 2009 |

pee wee herman. i may get a lot of flak for this week’s things i love but i’m not ashamed to boldly proclaim my love for pee wee. ever since seeing him scotch tape his face on david letterman in the early eighties i’ve been a fan – he just makes me laugh, plain and simple. check out this david letterman appearance from 1984 – the joke is long but to me worth the wait. i’ve got a sizeable pee wee collection, which might allow dave & i to retire were i ever to sell it (i wouldn’t), a few items of...

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• we believe in rescue dogs and spay + neuter programs
• we believe in hemp, conservation, and the pursuit of lessening our footprint on the earth
• we believe in the commitment, love and boundless spirit of dogs