kym | Friday, July 11, 2008 |
we put one of the bday pillows out yesterday afternoon and watson’s reaction was perplexing at best. it wasn’t clear if he was terrified of the pillow, protecting the pillow from everyone else, or trying to protect everyone else from the pillow - suffice to say there was a lot of barking. it’s all a mute point as fletcher took care of the evil pillow, most assuredly at the behest of watson… anyone interested in a slightly used pillow...

kym | Saturday, July 5, 2008 |

david bought me 2 pillows for my birthday…this is news for 2 reasons

kym | Wednesday, July 2, 2008 |
if your name is arliss pigg and you got to this page by googling yourself

kym | Monday, June 30, 2008 |
we’ve had speck for exactly 6 weeks this weekend and two things stand out in this puppy’s development:

kym | Saturday, June 28, 2008 |
due to the fact that murray’s been ordered to not use stairs and there is no way out of our house without using stairs we decided a ramp was necessary. it was either that or a catapult. we were originally going to have a temporary ramp built on top of our front steps that could easily be removed when it was no longer needed and put back on if it became necessary again. then in a "lightbulb" moment we came up with the genius idea (and by we i mean i) of building a permanent ramp off the side of...

kym | Wednesday, June 25, 2008 |
happy birthday dave!!here's a picture for your viewing pleasure of two of the universe's greatest products

kym | Monday, June 23, 2008 |
indi must give off a scent that is akin to wearing a “kick me” sign

kym | Monday, June 16, 2008 |
so we have a deck that is on the second story of our house where we will sit and eat meals. sometime last year i realized jewel would often stand on the lawn below the deck and stare up at us