kym | Thursday, October 17, 2013 |
zig’s human equivalent would be the kid sporting the frog costume 24-7 - he’s an eccentric little bugger. if you know me at all then you know that’s right down my alley…i’m all for letting his freak flag fly. consequently he does things that we wouldn’t allow anyone else to do (but in reality no one else really has any interest in doing). he’s been known to sit on pretty much anything that gets him closer to me, including but not limited to tables. in zig’s defense most of the time when a dog...

kym | Friday, August 30, 2013 |
yesterday we said goodbye to reilley, my best friend (in the
dog world that is – don’t worry i have human friends as well) of 8 years. i am sad, i am lonely, and i’m not
quite sure who i am without him by my side but…b.u.t. i’m also grateful,
honored and humbled to have had such a faithful and loving companion to
navigate the last 8 years with.
our time here together is over but he will remain a piece of me for the
rest of my life. sadly i don’t
think i have it in me to write...

kym | Thursday, July 18, 2013 |
a while back dave got in his head that he wanted to do a promo video for earthdog. i eventually went along with it, kicking and screaming the whole way...

kym | Wednesday, July 17, 2013 |
estelle has proven to be an invaluable resource to our pack – she holds the record for routinely playing with the most members of the family. i’m pretty sure jewel, indi and wilson are the only ones to successfully avoid her affections and i’m certain they’ll prove uncrackable. she’s growing into such a lovely lady (although i use the term lady loosely) – she’s a sweet, loving and playful little package. while her personality is developing her body does not seem to be and...

kym | Tuesday, July 9, 2013 |
carly's life has gotten a big upgrade of late; first with estelle and more recently (and fervently) with the addition of merlin. she and merlin are developing a fantastic relationship and i couldn't be happier. i was filming them the other night and captured pure magic that i'm not ashamed to say had me bawling: ...

kym | Thursday, June 27, 2013 |
i’m happy to announce that we are once again a complete family and we’ve been able to honor dooley’s memory by adopting another wolfhound…a win-win all around. merlin’s original family’s life circumstances changed and they were no longer able to provide him the life he was accustomed to. i know people tend to come down on others for rehoming their dogs (and i do think too often it’s a much too careless decision) but this is truly a case of someone who wanted the very best for her dog, knew she...

kym | Monday, June 17, 2013 |
so stella seems to have succeeded where odin* couldn't - slowly but surely she and carly are building a solid relationship. for the first time in really what’s been well over a year carly seems happy and my heart feels a ton lighter…can i get a woot woot? there’s a strange phenomenon going on here. historically the idea of adding a new dog always came with equal parts excitement and apprehension. there was always some fear of the chaos that would ensue - a...

kym | Monday, June 10, 2013 |
you might remember last september we adopted odin to
hopefully be a buddy for carly and get her out of her depression. for carly odin turned out to be a bust
since he’s unwilling to play with anyone who’s larger than him. that being said, odin is the greatest, most loving and congenial guy
and he is unanimously adored here - he just wasn’t a fit for carly. unfortunately after losing dooley, her
running partner, carly seemed to go deeper into depression. for the past few...