kym | Friday, February 14, 2014 |
you have to call aspca poison control and the conversation goes something like this:poison control: “what’s the issue?”me: “my dog ate my progesterone pills.”poison control: “your birth control?”me: “no, straight progesterone…i’m old.”the subtitle to this post is: carly, carly, carly (part infinity). the other day i got my progesterone prescription in the mail and as soon as i opened it i thought to myself “must put away” so i headed to our bathroom to do just that. i made it as far as placing...

kym | Thursday, January 16, 2014 |
i know i'm late to the game but i thought i'd attempt my own twist on throw back thursday. my idea is to find the first picture ever taken of each of our dogs and then give a little bio/insight into said dog. if you saw our cabinet of pictures or the way pictures are "organized" on my computer you would know i'm attempting quite a feat. i've got the first picture so there's only like 30 more to go...how hard can that be??? the year was 1988 (but doesn't my hair already...

kym | Monday, January 13, 2014 |
this post has been ruminating in my head for a while and i haven’t been sure whether i should share it or not…whether anyone would care or not. in an effort to lift the veil on my life what you’re about to read is a) likely to be a bit of a jumbled mess and b) painfully honest but it’s where i currently am and i’m putting it out there - if you decide to continue reading you’ve been warned. i’m issuing my apologies up front for the whining and complaining and then i’m letting it...

kym | Friday, January 10, 2014 |
it probably won’t come as a surprise that i was not a fan of 2013 - we lost too many family members and things were overall too hard to feel bad about it’s passing. because i consider myself a positive person and would like to be bigger than 2013 would have me be i will say that i am grateful for the additions of estelle, merle and ronan to our family; for the ability to stay in the house that we love and that all of us are currently healthy. i’m feeling much more enthusiastic about 2014 and if...

kym | Friday, December 13, 2013 |
sadly it’s been a bit hard keeping you all up on the comings and goings of our family this year and i’ve been really remiss in introducing our newest family member but i’m here today to rectify the situation. i’ve also put this introduction off a bit because it’s always difficult for me to write these posts when we’ve adopted a dog from a family having to let their dog go. in all these situations i’ve always highly respected the family’s decision to want a better situation for their...

kym | Sunday, December 1, 2013 |
a little over eight years ago at an adoption event i fell in love with this guy at first sight... it didn’t matter that we were at the event to hopefully find homes for two of our fosters, i did not possess the ability to walk away from that face. watson (as he would later be named) at the time was about 3 months old and was up for adoption along with his sister and brother after having been rescued by a woman from a man who was going to “take them down to the river and shoot them." that day...

kym | Wednesday, November 20, 2013 |
a few months ago when i asked what content you would like to see here the thing i heard the most was more photos and video of dave & i with the dogs and more of our daily life. i’m working on some “a day in the life” posts so they’ll be forthcoming but the photos and videos are a little harder because we have failed completely at teaching any of these dogs to use a camera so that leaves only dave or i in that capacity. the video bio we shot for earthdog this summer has a little bit of that so...

kym | Thursday, October 31, 2013 |
happy halloween(here's the link to years 2009-2012) row 1 (l to r): slater, indi, wilson, zigrow 2 (l to r): benny, jewel, carly, speckrow 3 (l to r): phineus, watson, flanagan, fletcherrow 4 (l to r): odin, merle, ronan, estellewe hope you all had an enjoyable halloween!...