kym | Thursday, August 21, 2014 |
a few weeks ago we decided to foster another dog for snooty giggles, asprey beach. she’s a 7-year-old french bulldog who had recently been through some traumatic changes and she pulled quite hard at my heart strings. in probably the span of a month or so she was hit by a car and had a leg amputated, her owner died and then the family or friends dropped her rather unceremoniously at a shelter in kentucky. fortunately snooty giggles came to her rescue and started her on her new life. we were...

kym | Thursday, July 24, 2014 |
about 6-8 weeks ago wilson seemed to plunge into complete confusion and old age overnight. he was no longer able to get around the house on his own, when we called to him he clearly heard it but always moved in the opposite direction and he kept circling and running into walls. because of his total blindness running into things and not always knowing where he is can be commonplace but this was extreme and very sudden. wil spent many years on prednisone due to his immune mediated disease so my...

kym | Thursday, June 5, 2014 |
so i don't usually write about earthdog-related things here (although i'm not sure why since somebody's gotta buy the stuff or these dogs will be eating us for dinner) however on this occasion i can’t contain my excitement so please excuse this small bit of promotion.i've long been a fan of friendship bracelets - i love the colors, the patterns and the craftsmanship. after murray died i sewed his id tag on an old bracelet i had made in college and when that one wore out i got a new one and...

kym | Friday, March 21, 2014 |
i don’t know if this is the case in other families with a lot of dogs but we seem to be a very tight knit family…pretty much on top of each other 24/7. there’s a few who like their own space; fletcher, phineus, indi and jewel; but for the most part whether we like it or not we’re in very close proximity to each other at all times. generally i’m a fan of this family dynamic but there are times when trying to accomplish certain things it can become cumbersome. the dogs generally...

kym | Wednesday, March 12, 2014 |
jack has been with us almost 3 weeks now and i’m certain a gemologist would certify him a complete and total gem. his physical condition is getting better – the mange is slowly but surely improving and the ear infections are pretty much gone - he’s got a lot of free time now that he’s not scratching full-time. his personality is emerging more and more each day and he is definitely less fearful. he is incredibly sweet and playful…just an all-around magical little butters.estelle has fallen in...

kym | Thursday, March 6, 2014 |
the first known picture of sage (why she's in a recycling bin i don't know but yay for me for recycling in 1992)... i adopted sage in the fall of 1992. kody and i had spent 4 years together, i was out of college and my life was more settled so i decided it was time for kody to have a sibling. her vital stats:her story: one saturday i went to the newark humane society and there was one litter of puppies, probably cocker mixes, and i picked sage out immediately. a...

kym | Wednesday, March 5, 2014 |
several weeks ago in the midst of one of my “find a best friend” frenzies i was searching wire-haired terriers on petfinder when i was completely taken by this guy... i contacted the west memphis animal shelter where he was and learned he had been there for 3 weeks after having been seized from a meth house. his 10-day hold had ended and his owners <fortunately> hadn’t returned to claim him. i filled out the necessary paperwork which was, believe it or not, approved and we made...

kym | Wednesday, February 19, 2014 |
the very fact that this happened is mind blowing but that i had the presence of mind to video it is earth shattering... isn’t it funny how you forget how things used to be? it wasn’t until i was looking through some videos today that i remembered indi used to play - a lot – all the boys loved her and she used to love all the attention. so what’s the reason it took videos to kick that memory in you ask? because somewhere along the way indi turned into a cat (no offense to cat people). this dog...